- Terraform
With Terraform we Create the Infrastructure like Volumes, FloatingIP and Virtual Machines. for the Hetzner Intergration wie use the ref-env-provider-hetzner-integration-terraform
- Ansible
Ansible is used for System configuration.
- restic
restic is a backup tool.
- Vagrant
Vagrant, is used for the local Environment.
- logrotate
Remove old, and rotate the logs with logrotate.
- fail2ban
Usig fail2ban for block brute force attacks (Implementation details at: Fail2Ban).
- Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux
The EPEL repository is used for install extra packages like restic.
- Open JDK
- pass
The Commandline based passwordstore, can integrated to Ansible and Terraform,
- pass ansible plugin
Used for Secrets lookups passwordstore plugin
- pass Terraform Provider
For combinate Terraform and pass we use the custom provider camptocamp/terraform-provider-pass.
- Ansile Master Playbooks
- Hetzner Cloud
- firewall
hier wird der klassiker FirewallD verwendet.
- Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (aide)
Store file see install-aide-centos-7. (umsetzung offen)
- OpenSCAP
System vulnerability scans, see (open-scap)
- Sphinx
Sphinx, is a tool that makes it easy to create documentation
- reStructuredText
reStructuredText Markdown alternative.
- Molecule
Molecule used for automatical Ansible Tests.
- Testinfra
Testinfra Testing infrastructure with Ansible and Pytest.
- Virtualenv
Virtualenv create isolated Python environments.
- rkhunter
rkhunter hunter for Rootkits.
- chkrootkit
chkrootkit locally checks for signs of a rootkit (planned).