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Reusable workflows

This part of the Documentation will be describe the reusing-workflows.

Workflow description
reusable-ansible-galaxy-push.yaml Using robertdebock/galaxy-action for publish a Ansible Role to Ansible Galxy.
reusable-ansible-molecule.yaml Start a simple Molecule test run by using the gofrolist/molecule-action action.
reusable-automerge.yaml Using pascalgn/automerge-action for better Merge Request handling.
reusable-mkdocs.yaml Publish a mkdocs based Documentation as GitHub Page.
reusable-pre-commit.yaml Call pre-commit for a minimal static tests set, like liter etc.
reusable-release-cd-refresh-master.yml Refresh the current master branch, with the Revision from the Latest published Release, so the master/main branch will be present the latest Released version.
reusable-release-drafter.yml Will be use release-drafter/release-drafter for updating the current "Draft" Release with a Changelog.
reusable-sphinx.yaml Build and Publish a Sphinx Documentation as GitHub Page.
reusable-stale.yaml Mark old or inactive issues and close then, used actions/stale for this work.
reusable-trivy.yaml Scan the GitRepo by using aquasecurity/trivy-action.
reusable-tf-lint.yaml Use terraform-linters/setup-tflint for Lint terraform sources.

The Reusable workflows prefixed with .github/workflows/reusable-*.yml.