Gitlab Bulk Checkout Tool¶
Simple utitlity written in Python for the local repositories. In a Time of SaaS, Isac and microservices, it can happen that you need many small repositories at your local Machine for Development, so it didn`t make fun to pull so many repositories.
- sort gitlab grops to fs folder
- append a prefix to the repos
- pull changes from origin
Using Tox Build Script¶
source ~/development/lib/virtualenv/tox/bin/activate
The tox script create a installable dist under ./.tox/dist/*.tar.gz
For easy usage, the tool can be wrapped with docker, so you don`t need a local python env for using.
docker run -it \
--user=${UID}:$(id -g $(whoami)) \
-v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent \
-e GROUPS_MAPPINGS=/app/gitlab_groupMapping.yml \
-e GITLAB_TOKEN=$(pass /internet/ \
-e PROJECTS_BASE=/tmp/bulkcheckout \
-w /tmp/bulkcheckout \
-v /tmp/bulkcheckout:/tmp/bulkcheckout \
-v ${HOME}/.ssh:/home/builder/.ssh:ro \
-v ${PWD}/gitlab_groupMapping.yml:/app/gitlab_groupMapping.yml:ro \
nolte/gitlab-bulkcheckout -v checkoutbulk