Getting Started ************************************************** .. note:: | For all steps (Development,starting the Server and executing tests) the User must accept the `Minecraft EULA `__, by own configured property! | by example setting a envierment property like ``export mc_accept_eula=true`` For A Better Python Depenendency Mananagement it is recommended to configure a own :term:`Virtualenv`. .. code-block:: shell :caption: Configure Python Virtual Env :name: example-virtual-env virtualenv -p python3 ~/venvs/ansible-vagrant source ~/venvs/ansible-vagrant/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt pre-commit install .. _ref-getting-started-preconditions: Preconditions ================================================== For a full configuration you need some "Commons Scripts" from other Repositories, for example the `nolte/ansible_playbook-baseline-online-server `_ Project. The Dependencies will be managed by :term:`vendir` and can be installed with the ``overlay`` command. .. code-block:: shell :caption: Install required Dependencies :name: example-vagrant-start vendir sync The Configuration file for the Dependencies is the ``vendir.yml``. .. literalinclude:: ../../vendir.yml :language: yaml .. _ref-getting-started-environment-local: Local Environment ================================================== For local Usage you can use the ``Vagrant`` file, located at the :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-maintenance-directory`. .. code-block:: shell :caption: Start the Local Vagrant Machine :name: example-vagrant-start cd local vagrant up The Vagrant Box are configured with a minimal set of features, from the :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-inventories-test-directory`. After successfull starting you can join the server at ``localhost:25567`` .. note:: The original gameport will mapped in the Vagrant file from ``25565`` to ``25567``. **Usefull Commands** * ``vagrant ssh`` (SSH Connect to the Local Vagrant Box) * ``vagrant provision`` (Reexecute the Installation Steps) * ``vagrant global-status`` * ``vagrant ssh-config`` .. _ref-getting-started-environment-public: Public Environment ================================================== The Public Env will be hosted at :term:`Hetzner Cloud`. For Rollout the public environment, you must execute the :term:`Terraform` and the :term:`Ansible` sources. .. code-block:: shell :caption: Required Environment Variables :name: example-cmd-configure-env-vars export HCLOUD_TOKEN_STORAGE_PROJECT=$(pass internet/ && \ export HCLOUD_TOKEN=$(pass internet/ && \ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(pass internet/project/mystoragebox/minio_access_key) && \ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(pass internet/project/mystoragebox/minio_secret_key) && \ export AWS_S3_ENDPOINT=https://$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $HCLOUD_TOKEN_STORAGE_PROJECT" '' | jq -r '.servers[0].public_net.ipv4.dns_ptr') .. _ref-getting-started-environment-public-infrastructure: Infrastructure --------------------------------------------------- For the Terraform State File, we use a Self Hosted Remote S3 Bucket, :term:`Personal Storage`. .. _ref-getting-started-environment-public-infrastructure-longterm: Long Term Elements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-infrastructure-long-term-directory`, are Ressources like SSH Key, or the Backup Volume. Keep this Part from the Infrastructure, for restore some backup costs *~1€/mon*. .. warning:: Be carefull with ``terraform destroy``, you will be lost all your :term:`restic` Backups! The Ressources from ``provisioning/infrastructure/longterm`` will be handled in a seperated Terraform State File. .. _ref-getting-started-environment-public-infrastructure-computing: Computing Elements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-infrastructure-computing-directory`, are Ressources like Attatch Volume and Create the Server. .. note:: Do ``terraform destroy``, to save money *(~5,83€/mon)*, or when the Server makes Problems! You can use the Last Backup from the :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-infrastructure-long-term-directory` for restoring, look :ref:`ref-maintenance-jobs-backup-task-restore-on-create`. So it makes fun to destroy the Ressources from ``provisioning/infrastructure/computing``. Configure the Server --------------------------------------------------- For this we use the :term:`Ansible` Playbooks from the :ref:`ref-project-structure-provision-maintenance-directory` and the dependencies from the :ref:`ref-getting-started-preconditions`. .. code-block:: shell :caption: Install Ansible Galaxy Dependencies :name: example-getting-started-maintenance-ansible-roles ansible-galaxy install -r provisioning/ext_debs/ansible_playbook-baseline-online-server/requirements.yml && \ ansible-galaxy install -r provisioning/maintenance/requirements.yml When you use a external Inventory Folder, define the Environment Variable: ``export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=$(pwd)/storagebox/prod/``, now you can execute the Master Playbook: .. code-block:: shell :caption: Execute the full Installation :name: example-getting-started-maintenance-master-playbook ansible-playbook provisioning/maintenance/master-configure-system.yml After the successfull configuration execute the :ref:`example-cmd-maintenance-testing`.